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Based in San Diego, Dylan Daily is a portfolio showcasing poetry, travel writing, game design, doodles, and the latest episode of #Adulthood. Andretta invites you to look around, enjoy yourself, and employ them.
I’ve Got A Bone To Pick With You
After you return from a work trip, you find your dog has destroyed your living room. He won't stop wailing, but it's up to you to figure out what's wrong!
Escape Room
When you’re a toy, your whole world is stuck between four walls…unless you can escape through the window.
The Girl with Lizards for Hands
Gerty is a young girl living with her dad. He's a bit of a science geek; their house is full of appliances and furniture he has spliced together with animals...including a Fridge with ostrich legs.
When Gerty and her dad catch their refrigerator literally running away, Gerty must traverse the neighborhood to try and catch it. Equipped with her trusty phone and questionable advice from her dad, it's anyone's guess what kind of trouble Gerty will get into. Did we mention she also has lizards for hands?